Life of Karen

Life Lessons

Recently, I have been working on the Beth Moore study, “David:  Seeking a Heart Like His”.  In the eighth week, I was asked a question that stirred my heart and made me think.  The questions was based on Psalm 51:12-13, “Restore the joy of Your salvation to me, and give me a willing spirit.  Then I will teach the rebellious Your ways, and sinners will return to You.”

The question posed in this lesson was, “What will your life teach?  If you were to die today, what would your lesson to others be?”  Is my life lesson to others all about “what not to do?”, or is it “Look what God has done”.

I sat and pondered these questions for quite some time.  I began to realize that the first and most important people that my life has been a lesson for has been my children.  How have I taught them?  I would like to think that I have taught them to be believers in Christ, upright, trustworthy, independent, thankful, giving, thoughtful, kind and filled with integrity.  I am afraid I may have also taught them that there are times when anger, fear and sadness take over – times when life is just a struggle.   My children have seen me at my best, and unfortunately also at my worst.

Beyond my children, I began to think about the lessons that I have taught to those around me:  my family, my church family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and even the person in my life that I may have impacted for only a moment or two.   What have I taught them?

These are some of the life lessons that I hope that I have passed on to others so that I can say:  “Look what God has done!

  • Life Lesson 1:  I am surrounded by God’s unfailing Love.
  • Life Lesson 2:  When you reach the top of the mountain, look back to see where you have come from…. and rejoice in your accomplishment.
  • Life Lesson 3:  What goes up, must come down…..  or is it “what goes down, must go up?”
  • Life Lesson 4:  When you get to the tope of the mountain there is still more mountain to climb.

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